LRC Publications
Bosco Puthur, Editor, The Life And Nature of the St. Thomas Christian Church in the Pre-Diamper Period, P. Xiii + 236 , Price: Rs. 180.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2000.
Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy, Instruction on Translation of Liturgical Texts, P. 12, Price: Rs. 5.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2000.
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Liturgiam Authenticam: on the Use of Vernacular Languages in the Publication of the Books of the Roman Liturgy, P. 60, Price: Rs. 20.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2001.
Congregation For Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments,Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy: Principles and Guidelines, P. 180, Price: Rs. 50.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2002.
Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, Indiayile Paurasthya Kraisthavar, P. xxx + 334, Price: 150.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2002.
Pope John Paul II, Encyclical Letter: Ecclesia De Eucharistia, P. 52, Price: Rs. 20.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2003.
Bosco Puthur, Editor, St. Thomas Christians and Nambudiris Jews and Sangam Literature: A Historical Appraisal, P. X + 234, Price: Rs. 200.00, Mount St. Thomas 2003. (2nd Print) 2006
Pius Malekandathil, Editor, Jornada of Dom Alexis De Menezes: A Portuguese Account of the Sixteenth Century Malabar, (Antonio De Gouvea), P. Lxxii + 603, Price: Rs. 500.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2003, (2nd Print) 2004.
Bosco Puthur, Editor, Studies on the Anaphora of Addai and Mari, Pp. Viii + 217, Price Rs. 180.00, Mount St.Thomas, 2004.
Paul Kalluveettil, CMI, Syro-Malabar Qurbana: Biblical Persepctives, P. Xi + 287, Price Rs. 120.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2004, (2nd Print) 2004.
Bosco Puthur, Editor, Inculturation and the Syro-Malabar Church, P. X + 305, Price Rs. 200.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2005.
Anaphorae of Mar Theodore and Nestorius, P. V + 179, Price Rs. 150.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2005.
VCD, Ente Ormakkai, A Short Feature Film on the Holy Eucharist, 30 Mts, Price Rs. 125.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2005.
Pauly Kannookadan, Editor, Syro-Malabar Church Forty Years After Vatican Council II, P. 294, Price Rs. 200.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2007.
Pauly Kannookadan, Editor, The Mission Theology of the Syro-Malabar Church, P. 286 Price Rs. 200.00, Mount St. Thomas, 2008.
Pauly Kannookadan, Editor, The Proclamation of the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church, P. 136, Price Rs. 150.00, Outside India Euro 15, Mount St. Thomas, 2008.
The Christology of the Syro-Malabar Church, “Thomas Christian Heritage” Vol. I, No. I, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2008.
Pauly Kannookadan, Editor, The Ecclesial Mission and Pastoral Care of the Migrants of the Syro-Malabar Church, P. 172, Price Rs.180.00, Outside India Euro 15, Mount St. Thomas, 2009.
Pauly Kannookadan, Editor, The Ministry and Life of the Priests of the Syro-Malabar Church, P. 172, Price Rs.180.00, Outside India Euro 15, Mount St. Thomas, 2009.
Sebastian Naduthadam, Editor, Spirituality of Syro-Malabar Church, Page 164, Rs. 180.00 LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2010.
Sebastian Naduthadam, Editor, The Sacramentals of the Syro-Malabar Church, P. 180, Price Rs. 180.00, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2010.
Peter Kannampuzha, (Indian Edition), Pan Records- PAN 2085, Ethnic Series - Qambel Maran Syriac Chants from South India, Rs. 200.00, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, July 2013.
Rev. Dr. Johnson Achandy (Translator), Kardhinal Thiseranginte Athyathmiga Jivitham, P. 132, Price Rs. 150.00, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2013.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Consecrated Life: A Call to Wake up the World, P. 267, Price Rs. 240.00, Outside India Euro 15, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2016.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Syro-Malabar Church Anthem, Rs. 50.00, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2017.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Early Christian Communities of the St Thomas Tradition in India, P. 200, Price Rs. 200.00, Outside India Euro 10 and Dollar 12, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2017.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Arnos Padiri Malayala Sahithyathile Mahamaneeshi (Malayalam), P. 252, Price Rs. 280.00, Outside India Euro 15 and Dollar 16, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2017.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Formation of Anaphorae: Revisited Theological, Liturgical & Pastroal Dimensions of Formulating New Anaphorae for the Syro-Malalabar Church, P. 224, Price Rs. 220.00, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2018.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Synod of Diamper AD 1599: Its Historical Backdrop, Impact and Contributions to the church and the Kerala Society, P. 336, Price Rs. 380.00, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2019.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Tradition & Identity of the Syro-Malabar Church, P. 271, Price Rs. 300.00, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2019.
Peter Kannampuzha, Editor, Syro-Malabar Church 25 Years in Major Archiepiscopal Status: Growth, Renewal & Orientations, P. 350, Price Rs. 400.00, LRC, Mount St Thomas, 2019.
Dr Joji Kallingal & Prof. Maxime K Yevadian, Editors , The Acts of Judas Thomas in Context, P. 488, Price Rs. 750.00, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2020
Dr James Puliurumpil, Author, Mar Thomasleehayum Keralavum, P.247, Price Rs.300.00, LRC, Mount St.Thomas, 2020
Peter Kannampuzha , Editor, LITURGICAL YEAR: Its History, Theology and Celebration in the East Syriac Tradition with particular Reference to the Syro-Malabar, West Syriac and Latin Traditions, P.592, Price Rs. 550.00, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, 2022.
Dr.Joji Kallingal , Editor, A Study On VARTHAMANAPUSTHAKAM ,P.286, Price Rs. 350, LRC Mount St. Thomas ,2023
Dr.Pius Malekandathil, Editor, APOSTOLATE OF ST.THOMAS IN INDIA, P.526,Price Rs. 1695, (Primus Publication) LRC Mount St.Thomas 2024
Dr. James Puliurumpil, Editor, PANTAENUS IN INDIA , P.232, Price Rs.350, LRC Mount St. Thomas, 2024
For copies contact: Executive Director, LRC, Mount St. Thomas, P. B. No 3110, Kakkanad, 682 030, Kochi, India. + 91-9497324768, Email :