62 LRC Seminar
06 Mar 2025
St. Thomas Christian Museum Welcomes you to realize our Catholic heritage. Individual, family, parish and school level visits to this Museum are highly encouraged for recalling and reliving the prestigious traditions of the Thomas Christians....
The St. Thomas Christian Museum is situated at Mount St. Thomas, the Major Archiepiscopal Curia of the SyroMalabar Church, Kakkanad, Kochi, Kerala. With a Decree dated, 15th December 2000 Mar Varkey Vithayathil, the Major Archbishop of the SyroMalabar Church, erected St. Thomas Christian Museum at Mount St.Thomas. The Decree says: “Preservation and protection of the documents and artifacts concerning the ideas and events that shaped and continue to shape the religious and social consciousness of a people is of paramount importance in giving a sense of belongingness, direction and the correct values in life to the posterity of that people. It has been the desire of the Synod of Bishops of the SyroMalabar Church that such a process be encouraged and ..
"St. Thomas Christian Museum of the SyroMalabar Church at Mount St Thomas, Kakkanad, Kochi, promotes, preserves and exhibits tangible and intangible evidences of the heritage of the Thomas Christians in India.The display of traditional, religious and cultural art and artifacts provides us with a sense of identity and continuity of this cultural patrimony. The Religious and Social fabric of the Thomas Christians holds a rich legacy for the society at large. I am very glad to acknowledge all the wellwishers for their unstinted support for the Museum." Mar Raphael Thattle (Patron)Major Archbishop
Major Archbishop
06 Mar 2025
07 Mar 2024
03 Jul 2024
08 Apr 2022
It is interesting and significantly worth to visit this Museum. Within a short time you can travel along the sweet memories of the past. Beautifully arranged and highly impressive Museum
It was very good to see all the things.
It was great coming here came to know many new things and saw many new things and it was great coming here
We came with catechism students as a part of intensive course. The atmosphere and reception also the basically explanied in museum is excellent.
Visited St Thomas Christian Museum
''We have already visited this museum, but it attracts us for many reasons especially the icons'' they told to the Curator.
MAR WALAH SYRIAC ACADEMY VII BATCH visits museum. They were passionate to see & feel the Syriac imprints in the museum.
S. H. Catholic Church, Thuruthickad We have happy to visit the museum that foster were this venarable st thomas tradition of syrian christians in kerela.
This Museum provided a lot of knowledge about our Syro-Malabar Church especially about our St Thomas. The collection of Cross is nice to visit.
The Benefactors of Heritage Centre Most Rev Msgr Pascal Gollnish & Mr Dominique Bletry, France visited the St Thomas Christian Museum on 11-01-2018.
His Grace listened these facts with great administration and enthusiasm.
This Museum of Marthoma Church is very informative, neatly kept and give a good introduction to students and children.
The Museum is well arranged and self displayed items are very informative, it enriches the old and new generation. Thank you very much.
I'am very happy to see the history of Syro-Malabar Church and its rich traditional background. I'am also proud of my mother Syrian Church.
It was vey wonderful experience for us. Thanks !
This Museum is very useful to the society especially the new generation to see and realise the past.
Nice, Good knowledge on history items.
It was very nice to see all the historical things.
I thank to you the people of the Church who collected the Traditional things of the Holy Church for the protection of the Indian Church for the growath of her.
With gratitudeand administration this Museum has a wonderful collection of documents, artifacts of the early and modern Church, thank you for sustaining this history and tradition.
We are from Pala. We visited the Museum with the representatives. It was a nice experience. All the section are arranged beautifully, and the instructions and understandable. Thank you for the beautiful presentation.
It was a nice experience to know about the historical features.
All seens to be very good. Keep it up.
Very Nice
Very good Museum.
Very good collections
I Love the place a lot.
Very good Museum.
Very nice Museum.
This Museum very interestive.
It was a great experience visiting this Museum
Excellent Museum
Very Nice Museum
Well kept and maintained museum that gives a lot of information regarding our past history to the present generatoin and also to the future generation
It is a great joy to visit this museum and see the artifacts commemorating the history of the Syro - Malabar Church from St.Thomas the Apostle to its flourishing in the present day.May God continue to bless this noble endeavour.
The Heritage of holiness that this museum makes visible is a sign of hope for the Syro malabar Church in the future of mission.
Tena faly izahay nanvo visit ny St.Thomas Christian Museum. nahita ny gava misy rehetra.